ODC-50 BIOPHOS is phosphorous soubalizing Bacteria in liquid formulation containing bacteria in their dormant forms in powder formulation and is suspended in liquid based formulation.


  • The dormant forms of BIOPHOS on reaching the soil, germinate to produce metabolically active cells. These cells grow and multiply by utilizing the organic carbon in the soil. During their growth, they solubilize insoluble phosphates in the soil, which the plants absorb.


  • Supply of 10 to 15 kg/ha of " P " to the plants. Saves 50 % of costly chemical inputs. Avoids soil erosion thereby helping conservation and improvement of soil structure and fertility. Being environment friendly, does not disturb ecological balance, Enriches soil micro-ora.


  • Soil application Use 250ml diluted with 100 lit of water. Spread this emulsion evenly in the elds.
  • Soil broadcasting Mix 250 ml with 50kg of cow dung and 5 kg of Rock Phosphate. Add water to make the mixture damp and cover it with a gunny porous. Mixing should be done in shade. After 12 hours broadcast the mixture over 1 acre [0.4 ha]
  • Can be used with drip irrigation too.
packing : :100ml/ 500ml in liquid and 500gm/ 1000gm in powder

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