BIO-TRICO (V) contains the fungus Trichoderma viride. Spores of Trichoderma
viride controls root and stem rots caused by Schlerotina and Rhizoctonia, Wilts
caused by Fusarium & Verticillium, Blights / leaf spots caused by Alternaria,
Ascochyta, Cercospora, Macrophomina, Myrothecium & Ramularia, Downy mildew & powdery mildew and other Fungal diseases of
cotton, cereals, pulses, vegetables, oilseeds, fruit plants and oriculture.It acts on the plant pathogens through competition for space &
nutrition, parasitization, disintegration of pathogen hyphae by enzymes & antagonism. Apart from this, its metabolites stimulate
seed germination, plant growth and early owering & fruit formation. It is a benecial fungus which secretes cellulase and chitinase
enzymes which reacts with cell wall of the disease causing pathogenic fungi and dissolves the same. By dissolving the cell wall, the
protoplasm will come out. Trichoderma viride utilize the protoplasm as a source of food and multiply its spores. By this method, the
spores of the pathogenic fungi are destroyed.
8 About 2 X 10 CFU/g carrier. Beneted crops : All crops – cereals, millets, pulses, oil seeds, cotton, sugarcane, vegetables, oriculture and plantation crops.
packing : Size 100 Gsm, 500Gsm, 1000Gsm